Buying and Selling Houses in different cities of Pakistan like Lahore Karachi Islamabad and Gwadar. Houses are for sale in Pakistan. A building in which people live; residence for human beings. a home. Often an initial capital letter of a family, including ancestors and descendants. The definition of houses is a building or shelter where people or animals live. An example of a home is a three-bedroom, two-bathroom single-family residence. An example of a house is a structure where a family dog sleeps outside. House, or more general housing spaces, refers to the construction and assigned use of houses or buildings collectively, for the purpose of housing people: the planning or provision delivered by an authority, with related meanings. The social issue is to ensure that members of society have a home to live in, be it a house or another type of dwelling, accommodation or shelter. Many governments have one or more housing authorities, sometimes also called a housing ministry or housing department.